Pointing in the right direction ---->
To the left you see Ezile, one of the youngest orphans who comes to the support group on Fridays. She is a fireball of endless energy and enthusiasm. Lately, I have noticed something ironic and quite amazing. I came to South Africa to help the orphans grow in their relationship with God and try to do everything in my power to direct them closer to the Father, however, I have found that little Ezile and the other orphans have been the ones helping me grow and pointing me in the right direction (closer to God). Though I trust that the orphans have been learning and growing as well, I have been struck by all they have to teach (whether they are aware of it or not)!
I have been thinking a lot lately about the simplicity of these kids' faith. When we tell them stories about Jesus' life they are not prone to ask question after question, trying to analyze the probability of historical accuracy of the particular occurrence. No, they simply trust. I know it is important to be discerning and wise in our quest for Truth, and that sometimes means questioning and probing deeper, but there is something to be said for the child-like faith and trust that these orphans demonstrate. They believe. They trust. It is as simple as that.
I think that sometimes we spend too much time and energy focusing on what we believe when we should be spending the time and energy thinking about how we live-- and actually living in a way that is pleasing to God. I think God cares more about how we are loving our neighbor than if we have worked out for ourselves a solid, impenetrable, theological framework. In this sense, the kids have gotten it right (and I, so often, get it wrong.) Christianity is about loving God and loving our neighbors. It is about faith, and trust. I pray we can all, by the grace of God, obtain a more child-like faith. I am thankful for precious Ezile who helps point me, and all of us, in the right direction!