Last night, around 9 p.m., I turned in my final paper, drank some champagne with classmates, and walked out of my LAST class, marking the conclusion of my masters program. As I breathed in the brisk night air, I was flooded with a mix of emotions. I was happy to be done, relieved to not have papers and reading hanging over my head anymore, sad to say goodbye to my cohort, excited to be starting a new chapter (as a non-student), and nostalgic about all that I have experienced and learned in the past few years. I am so thankful for my time as a grad student! I am thankful for new friends, new perspectives, new questions, and a new passion!
Below is a note from one of my favorite professors to our graduating class, along with his famous sunflower brownie!
My wonderful cohort-- we climbed the mountain together!!
As happy as I am to be done, I know I will miss this season in my life and look back fondly on this time that I had to learn, grow, and be stretched.
wow. I am really done.