Friends and Family,
I can't thank you enough for all of your prayers and support! I feel it! Really, it has been such a blessing to FEEL God's peace and presence with me this week as I transition into life in South Africa. It has been so hard in some ways and also really wonderful (depending on the moment!) My life has felt like a wild rollercoaster... Here is an overview of the "ride"...
UP UP UP -- I arrived in South Africa without any hang ups! I walked right through customs without even being questioned and all of my luggage made it. I slept 8 hours on the flight and thankfully haven't experienced any jet lag at all. The 10 hour time change didn't seem to negatively affect my body as I have been sleeping 7-8 hours each night since I arrived.
DOWN -- I am feeling more lonely than I expected. I really miss having people around who know me. I have been praying for new friends and a church body to get involved in. I have missed the comforts of home as almost everything here is different from what I am used to. I am learning to drive on the "wrong" side of the road and eating things called "chutney" and "bobotie". More than anything, however, I miss relationships.
UP -- God is teaching me to rely on Him FULLY (I think he knew he had to lead me far, far, away from home before I would really do it!). He is proving that he truly is capable of fulfilling all of my needs.
DOWN -- My credit cards and cash were stolen shortly after I arrived. I was in a training seminar at a local church and someone took them as we stepped into an adjacent room for lunch. I learned that I must be more careful and aware than I was at home.
UP -- I was so blessed to get to be apart of the orphan support group that met this week. On Friday there were about 45 orphans who attended ranging in age from 5-16. I was filled with joy as we worshipped God together and talked to the kids about God's deep love for them. We taught about their importance to God and gave them bookmarks to decorate and write scriptures on relating to this theme. The picture above is of a little boy writing Jeremiah 29:11 on his bookmark in Xhosa.
* Please pray for the many orphans in the support group. Pray that their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs would be met and that the message they heard at group on Friday would become real and touch their hearts. (Many are living in abusive situations where they hear negative, demeaning messages frequently. They find it hard to believe God's love for them.
* Pray that I would learn to be fully present in Africa, and willing to make it my home for the next while, instead of letting thoughts of home fill my mind.
* Please pray that I would be humble, compassionate, and sensitive when working with the orphans, many of whom are hurting deeply.
Thank you!!!
Dear Jen...I am praying for you and so glad you are being honest about your feelings. The Lord surely knows and remember Jer 29:11. It is written for you as well as those dear orphans. Blessings my sweet friend. Say hello to Matthew and Melinda, Erik, Amanda, and sweet Victoria!
Blessings, Joanne
Jen...I love your blog page...good way to stay connected. I am praying for you, especially in this time of transition! God is teaching you many important lessons as you teach the sweet children! Blessings! Jan
My Jen....i am so excited for you! I know that God has a special purpose for the amazing experience and i know this season of your life will be a tremendous blessing, not just for you, but also to those around you. Tennis practice starts next week and we have 4 girls trying out, I think this season will rock (but were always going to remeber you...always)!!! Girl we all miss you here, know that you are loved and that the whole teams loves and supports you through this journey. I will be praying for you and all that takes place around you. Love you lots miss Jen!!! Lorelei
Oh Sister...
Everytime I hear about what you are doing I get so excited, I am very proud of you, living by faith and being an overflow of God's love. Continue showing those kids where to find hope and remember to always seek His face above all things. Your obedience knocks my socks off!
Your Brother (Stevie G)
JG-I appreciate your honesty and sincerity. I am praying that God's peace would surround you as you make South Africa your home. Love, MA
P.S. Keep eating the bugs:)
keep it up jen - you're obedience and faithfulness never ceases to amaze. i think of you often, and find joy in the thought of you loving people oceans away.
2 cor 4:16-18
i love you sister...
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