There is a missions team here right now from Rolling Hills Community Church. There are eight of them here and the team is comprised of people on the worship team at their church in California who are gifted in directing, singing, and compiling music. They brought with them high-tech equipment for recording and are in the process of recording songs sung by the church choir and the orphan choir. The team will then put together a CD/DVD combo to be sold. The proceeds from these sales will go directly towards the care of Orphans and vulnerable children in the township of Philippi. Please pray that the recording will go smoothly today (Monday) and tomorrow and that all those involved will be blessed by the process of practicing, filming/recording, editing, and compiling the CD and DVD. Also, please pray for safe travels as the Rolling Hills team leaves to go back to California on Thursday.
One of the ladies on the Rolling Hills team, Karen, is is gifted singer and actress. On Friday she planned and led a drama workshop at Orphan Support group. About 45 kids showed up and they were encouraged to use their imaginations and be creative as they practiced acting. They even performed for us at the end of the day. The above photo is of some of the children who gathered at the end of group to sing the Rolling Hills Team a Xhosa song of thanks and appreciation.
I would like to report a praise! Nomafili is feeling a lot better. I don't think that any of her external circumstances have changed, but she seems like a different person this week, full of joy and happiness. She is involved in the orphan choir that is currently in the middle of recording for the CD. This is a really fun and exciting experience for all that are involved. After meeting with the committee, Bridges of Hope has decided to sponsor Nomafili and her siblings by paying for food, school fees, etc. but under the condition that an adult caregiver moves into the home. Then, the money would go to the adult caregiver and she could keep record and make sure that they money is spent wisely and responsibly. Please pray that Nomafili would be open to the idea of an adult moving into the home and that the right caregiver would step forward and volunteer to do this. Thank you for all of your prayers and concerns for Nomafili. I could really tell a difference when I saw her on Friday. She was singing loudly in the choir and seemed to be filled with joy. Praise God!
Please pray for a little girl in the Orphan Support group named Sinoxolo. She is ten years old and has AIDS. She was gone for the holidays visiting extended family and Friday was the first time that I had seen her in a while. Though happy to be back, she looked incredibly thin and it was clear to me that she had lost a lot of weight off of her already thin little frame. It is so sad to she her walking and trying to play with the other kids; literally just skin and bones. Please, please pray for Sinoxolo. Pray that she will fight this battle against AIDS. Pray that she might enjoy health. Pray for her strength (emotionally, spiritually, and physically). Pray that she would gain weight and be able to go back to school.
Thank you for joining with me in prayer for all of these things. Have a wonderful week!
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