Last Thursday, April 27th, we celebrated a very significant national holiday here in South Africa. It was FREEDOM DAY. On this very day--12 years ago-- Nelson Mandela cast the first democratic vote (see photo on left) after decades of fighting against the racist, mostly-white, apartheid government which suppressed and abused the black people in this country (who make up over 75% of the population). Nelson Mandela led this fight for freedom and was forced to spend 27 years of his life in prison. He emerged from prison and was elected president after the first democratic vote and was awarded a Nobel Peace prize for dedicating his life to the fight for freedom and racial equality. Thousands of black people lost property, jobs, family, and even their lives in the battle for freedom and Thursday was a chance to remember all of their sacrifices and celebrate the progress that has been made in the last 12 years. There is still a long way to go in reaching true equality, but no longer are blacks being imprisoned for meeting in large groups and for standing up for their rights.
We had a day off of work on Thursday for Freedom Day and Monday was another national holiday called Workers Day, so we were given Friday off of work to go on a long-weekend vacation to explore some parts of South Africa that I hadn't seen yet. My flat mate, a fellow staff member, a friend from church, and I rented a car and took off driving east along the coast. We stayed in a little beach town called Knysna and enjoyed time sitting by the ocean, a wild canoe trip, and a horseback ride into the forest (pictured below). It was a wonderful time of experiencing the beauty of God's creation and enjoying great conversation with friends.

Please Pray--
Tomorrow (Wednesday) we have planned a very important CHE lesson on HIV/AIDS. Many of the CHE's (Community Health Evangelists) are HIV positive and are walking through the stages of grief as they come to terms with this terminal illness in their own lives. The discussion will focus on existing beliefs about AIDS in the community in hopes of dispelling some of the traditional myths about HIV/AIDS (like that it can be cured by drinking a mixture of herbs and coconut juice or that you can rid yourself of AIDS by having sex with a virgin, etc.) Please pray that the truth can be communicated in a way that is clear and convincing and that the CHE's would be encouraged to go and share this life-saving information with the those living in the shacks that they visit each week. Some of the questions that we will be asking tomorrow include:
1. What are some of the beliefs in the community (true or untrue) about HIV/AIDS?
2. What do some people say causes HIV/AIDS?
3. What do some people say can cure HIV/AIDS or prevent it?
4. What do some people say spreads HIV/AIDS?
5. What do some people say about the people who get HIV/AIDS?
Thank you for your prayers!
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