Building a Bridge

1. Scholarship fund: There are a group of about 25 South African facilitators who live in Philippi and volunteer many hours each week to work with the children in the After School Program and Orphans and Vulnerable Children ministries that Bridges of Hope runs. Most of these facilitators are young adults (21-30 yrs. old) who have finished high school but find themselves jobless and at a dead end. They love working with the children, but many of them are yearning for the opportunity to pursue college, trade school, or a university degree in order to gain the necessary skills and credentials to get the jobs that they want. These are extremely gifted individuals who are driven and ambitious but are stuck in a system that is still so limiting and confining to the poor and underprivileged. By contributing to the scholarship fund you can help pay for the tuition of one of the facilitators (who will have to go through a Bridges of Hope application process) and I will make sure that you get connected with the selected person and can maintain email or "snail mail" contact if you are interested. This would be a great opportunity for you to provide a young adult who has a lot of potential the chance to gain the skills and hopefully the job that he or she has always dreamt of.
2. Construction teams: We are in need of teams who are willing to come over and work on various construction projects on the farm which will be a retreat center and eventually an academy for orphans. Right now the needs are demolition, irrigation, clearing and planting of a grassy playing field for the kids, and various other building and remodeling projects. If you, or a group of people from your church or workplace are interested in coming to South Africa to stay on the farm and work for a few weeks that would be a huge need met!
3. Sponsoring a staff members salary: We currently employ 5 Philippi staff members who live and serve in the community. Mama Lulu is employed as the area director of Bridges of Hope and Mama Elizabeth is the project coordinator. Refiloe is the director of the Orphan and Vulnerable Children ministry and support group and Manelisi (soon to be a dad!) and Babalwa coordinate and facilitate the After School Program. If you are interested in sponsoring one of their salaries, or contributing to this fund please email me and let me know. I would also be happy to pass along their email address to you and help you build a relationship (as much as possible half a world away!)
4. Sponsoring food parcels: Every second week the children of the orphan support group receive a food parcel which contains food that will sustain them and provide vitamins and nutrients for them as they grow. If you feel inclined to sponsor these food parcels a contribution can be made to the Orphans and Vulnerable children fund and the money will go directly towards meeting this very real physical need for these children.
5. Long term staff: One of the most significant needs currently is for long term staff. Bridges of Hope is in need of individuals or families who are willing to commit at least 18 months to live in South Africa and work on the farm (retreat center/orphan academy) as teachers, curriculum designers, program managers, farmers, care givers, administrators, and retreat facilitators. Sound Fun?! Oh Yeah! Pray about it... :-)
6. Soup for clinic: Right next to the church in Philippi where we work, there is a brand new clinic that just opened. They are in need of donated soup to serve those who walk in the door sick and malnourished. If you desire to donate money to go towards this cause, please email me. I would be happy to email you some photos of the clinic and of the neat ways they are meeting the needs of the hurting people in Philippi.
7. Teams to host retreats at the academy: We desire to offer training retreats to be held at the new retreat center and would love it if people were interested in coming over and hosting a training workshop or seminar for people in Philippi to attend. The subject of the seminar could be something that you know a lot about, or that you are passionate about. For example, 3-4 day seminars on parenting, marriage, managing personal finances, conflict resolution, health care, counseling, etc. Would be much needed and appreciated.
8. Continued prayer support: We are moving into a new phase of ministry with the purchase of the farm and the development of new programs, dreams, projects, and staff. We could really use your prayers! Also, please pray about ways that God may be calling you to get involved (and perhaps coming over for a visit!) :-)
My deep desire is to bridge these two communities that I care so much about-- my "home" back in the States and my new "home" here in South Africa. I want to try and create ways for needs to be met, relationships built, and meaningful connections made.
p.s. As I was driving to work after tramping through the tall shrubs to take my bridge photo I felt something on my leg. As I looked down I noticed this brightly-colored WORM peacefully crawling down towards my knee! Ahh! I frantically swept it down to the car floor and luckily it stayed there until I got to work and could safely evacuate! Below is a photo of the sneaky perpetrator-- looks dangerous, huh? (okay, okay, maybe not!)

perfect! Thanks for the call to action! Miss you Jen
ps. you should look into those bugs, i think they are dangerous
Yes - those are Tranqulite Worms that have a similar defense mechanism as a skunk so be careful. They can spray about 200 ft. so if you see one - RUN!
You guys are funny! DJ, I have been wondering about that horrible smell-- now it all makes sense!
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